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Post ID Date & Time Game Date Function
Joined: 03/25/2020
Posts: 17

Virginia Military Institute Keydets

Hardwood College Basketball
It can be hard to tell who is available for each game due to injury based on days and current game day.

Recommend changing injury indicator to show games out instead of days out.

For example, one of my C's was listed as out for 2 days, with the game day shown as 25 October, but still missed the game on 28 October. I have a couple of current injuries that are showing as 2 days (current game day 28 October), but they played in this game and it's not clear if they will be available on the next game on 1 Nov.
Joined: 02/26/2020
Posts: 252

North Greenville Crusaders

Hardwood College Basketball
or just show the "out through" or "return date" so it is more explicit.

I'm sure mobile users can get behind this since mouse over function doesn't work on mobile.
Joined: 03/19/2023
Posts: 16

West Virginia State Yellow Jackets

Hardwood College Basketball
As mobile user. Id love to be able to see the injuries and additional stats that come with the mouse cursor.

Updated Monday, October 2 2023 @ 11:50:24 pm PDT
Blink 182
Joined: 01/29/2022
Posts: 38

Penn State Nittany Lions

Hardwood College Basketball
+1 to what mattgcoot29 posted.
Joined: 02/29/2020
Posts: 598

St. Marys Gaels

Hardwood College Basketball
I'd also like to see players appear with their names in red on the game plan page if they are injured.
Joined: 03/17/2019
Posts: 561

St. Johns Red Storm

Hardwood College Basketball
It does show a red + number on the depth chart, in the player profile etc. and you know the player is injured. But I would like to see more information exactly like what tictacshack said. The days out is confusing and knowing the "games" out or missed would be much easier and less confusing.


I don't know about cell phone usage but wouldn't that require an "app" be created. I don't really know because I don't use a cell phone, but if you say its a problem than it is. lol :-)

+1 to that too.

Bah, Naph gets a +1 too! His suggestion is just as good. lol

Updated Friday, October 6 2023 @ 11:29:04 am PDT
Joined: 01/24/2017
Posts: 2483

Hardwood Administrator

Hardwood College Basketball
Is the issue the phrasing or something with the mobile usage?

Joined: 02/29/2020
Posts: 598

St. Marys Gaels

Hardwood College Basketball
On mouse-over on the desktop you get something like:

"Hand injury - 3 day(s) injury
Injured through November 20th, 2034"

As far as I know there is no way to get that information on mobile.

Without it, you need to know that the game date is available at the top right of each page, then go to the schedule. Work out how many days are between each game (as that is not constant), then you need to remember if +3 means they are injured until that date or including that date,

I tend to think that most users aren't interested in how many days a player is injured. They just want to know exactly when they are back. Changing the current +3 to either (out 1 game), useful, but harder to calculate around conference and end of season tournaments would work. Otherwise you could just have 1 injury per line and show the whole "Hand Injury - Injured through November 20th, 2034" after the player's name on the Alerts page. Or, "Can return to play on November 21st, 2034" or something similar, which is possibly clearer than the "injured through..." phrasing.
Blink 182
Joined: 01/29/2022
Posts: 38

Penn State Nittany Lions

Hardwood College Basketball
I also think it would be helpful to indicate which players are injured when you’re on the tactics/depth chart page for a specific game. It’s a pain to have to revisit the roster or alerts pages to check on that stuff when planning for a specific game.

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