Corey Goff

United States   Corey Goff [#9967] Bookmark Corey Goff            Rhodes Lynx        Assistant Coach       
Home Town: Pueblo, Colorado   Colorado
Coach (2 years with club)
Age: 42Offense: 8Player Dev.: 9
Experience: 0 years Defense: 13Motivation: 10
Salary: $0.10MGame Tactics: 13Recruiting: 9
Reputation: He is below average at coaching offense. He is good at coaching defense. He is a poor teacher of the game.

Year Team LL Overall: W L Pct Conference: W L Pct CT Playoff: W L Pct PT Tournament: W L Pct TT Salary
2040 SWOSU 6 34 11 .756 25 5 .833 0 4 0 1.000 0 0 1 .000 0 $0.10M
2041 SWOSU 5 22 19 .537 17 13 .567 0 0 1 .000 0 0 0 .000 0 $0.10M
2042 SWOSU 5 13 28 .317 10 20 .333 0 0 1 .000 0 0 0 .000 0 $0.10M
2043 RHOD 6 4 37 .098 3 27 .100 0 0 1 .000 0 0 0 .000 0 $0.10M
2044 RHOD 6 15 26 .366 15 15 .500 0 0 1 .000 0 0 0 .000 0 $0.10M
Total .000 .000 .000 .000 -