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Joined: 07/20/2019
Posts: 110

Lincoln University PA Lions

Hardwood College Basketball
Had a few thoughts the other day on recruiting after doing most of my offseason scouting & points spend.

I think recruiting is pretty well balanced as it is now and I wouldn't want to change much, Hardwood is great - excellent game and recruiting balance overall. I'd have 5 teams if I could...But expanding on a couple of ideas (which got 10 thumbs up in discord!)
  • Recruiting players out of region is probably tougher than it should be (from experience getting a player to high is doable in a reasonable timeframe & number of points, but getting to very high is tough)
  • On the other hand, its probably too easy to get some in region/in state players to the highest interest levels.
Putting these together, if it's a player outside of your region who you know will get in-region/in-state interest, it's almost impossible to try to recruit them so I wonder if

A/ there needs to be a bit of a change to the balance there, or what might be more interesting is..

B/ As a counter to how difficult it is for a "normal" recruit, a good % more players should be generated with the "no home preference" tag?

(this is more of a general discussion point than my idea)
I'm not too invested in matching the game to real life, but some would argue the 4 and 5* players are probably less likely to care about their home region...They just want to go to the best team.

If it was brought in, would that mean more 4/5*s go to the teams in the top few conferences? I'm not sure. Assuming most regions already have a team near the top of the game (ie, with good recruiting power), the 4/5* will most likely go to them already. It'd just open them up to a larger range of teams, and if more teams end up competing for the same top recruits, the 2nd tier of players would actually be easier to get for the teams at all levels.

Unrelated to the above:
  • 1 season of data on the International recruits would be great. They'd still be a gamble vs the HS prospects where you have the 3 previous seasons of data but less of a total shot in the dark re: development as they currently are.

Any thoughts? Counter-points? Your own ideas? Let's discuss the key / most interesting bit of HW!

Updated Wednesday, November 22 2023 @ 6:06:19 am PST

Updated Wednesday, November 22 2023 @ 6:07:23 am PST

Updated Wednesday, November 22 2023 @ 6:07:46 am PST
Joined: 02/14/2018
Posts: 455

Indiana Hoosiers

Hardwood College Basketball
Don't fumble the bag with your recruiting points are my thoughts. Be methodical.

We all have the ability to go to Canada and recruit against Simon Fraser.

You can be the President at 5 teams as far as I understand. There are many multiusers in the Hardwood world, some are occasionally competing in the same conference.

Top international prospects, data for 34 seasons for anyone to review, they play at blue blood programs and mostly Division 1. Look at the Draft results and look at in-game October recruiting.

With the right coaching staff and excellent recruiting attributes, and starting the contacts early, national recruiting is possible in Division 1. If Presidents are disappointment with the outcome, they still tried with their recruiting points. They have every opportunity.

Basketball recruits are known locally, then regionally, then nationally IRL. HW simulates that. Can recruit in Middle School onwards IRL in the Elite youth leagues and programs. In this game, highly rated prospects want to play locally and they want playing time. That's why few Presidents do/should redshirt blue chips.

"Higher % of no preference to play closer to home" tags seems to be your suggestion. Might be fun or more realistic if many 4/5*s had the tag.
Joined: 07/14/2020
Posts: 6

SUNY Brockport Golden Eagles

Hardwood College Basketball
Just to add, I think another possibility is a group of players that actually want to get actively get away from home. I think thats actually a pretty reasonable sentiment for some HS players. Right now, we basically have the most extreme option as "all teams are equal".

In that case, the out of region teams would be favored over in region teams. This basically opens them up to all most of the rest of the country - and makes them feel a bit more like international players in terms of an open competition.
El jefe
Joined: 07/06/2018
Posts: 683

Temple Owls

Hardwood College Basketball
@Mobbie out here trying to recruit a team of Floyd Belcher's - God help us all!
Joined: 01/24/2017
Posts: 2461

Hardwood Administrator

Hardwood College Basketball
Unrelated to the above:

1 season of data on the International recruits would be great. They'd still be a gamble vs the HS prospects where you have the 3 previous seasons of data but less of a total shot in the dark re: development as they currently are.

Do you mean one more season of data?

Joined: 05/17/2020
Posts: 441

Dominican Univ. of California Penguins

Hardwood College Basketball
Like if we saw what would be the equivalent of their high school junior season^
Joined: 09/25/2022
Posts: 10


Hardwood College Basketball
A way to filter players that are happy to play anywhere would be nice. It's a bit too time consuming to search through every region's players.

I agree the better the player the more they should maybe happy to keep their options open about area. If it's better players mostly this applies to then the filter is less needed. Everyone can look through the 4-5 star kids easily enough and I guess they would be well known nationally too.

Finally there could maybe be a couple more levels for happinesss to play anywhere: Open to offers nationally, Doesn't mind, keen to move area (or so on).
El jefe
Joined: 07/06/2018
Posts: 683

Temple Owls

Hardwood College Basketball
I wouldn't mind this for 5 stars. There should be some regional advantage though, so wouldn't want this to extend to 4 stars.
Joined: 08/10/2021
Posts: 19

High Point Panthers

Hardwood College Basketball
I don’t think after the recent cheating scandal owner ship is that generous. I tried to add a third team a couple seasons ago and was informed of a new limit of two. Whether that remains or what is an open question but if people remain with more than 3 teams not sure how that’s particularly fair, but what do I know?

Updated Thursday, November 23 2023 @ 4:12:14 pm PST

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