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Joined: 02/14/2018
Posts: 455

Indiana Hoosiers

Hardwood College Basketball
I was reminded that we are entering season 30 of Hardwood. I have been a bit inactive as a President and wanted to see what tactics are being used to build up a successful program. I am not that good at this game, so I began a study.

Redshirting is for rare situations. The amount of redshirting in Hardwood is much higher than in real life college basketball. And much higher than in real life college football. In fact, looking at current Legends numbers, it seems like the most used strategy available is to redshirt nearly the entire roster.

Excluding current rostered, first-year Freshman (who we don't know yet about their decision to redshirt), I ran the numbers for every current team in Legends. This is how many players per team are rostered and have already been redshirted. Many teams have in fact redshirted their entire team. It is not realistic at all in comparison to real life. Remember, the numbers listed below are numbers out of 9-11 available players, excluding the approximately 2 rostered, first-year Freshman to each school.

Legends League Redshirting Numbers - Current Season

Coe 5
Utah State 7
Lincoln U PA 5
Westfield 6
California 9 (the entire team)
Florida Gulf Coast 1
Central Washington 10 (the entire team)
Toledo 9 (the entire team)
Western Michigan 7
Northern Illinois 9
Huntington 10 (1 short of the entire team)
Central Arkansas 7
La Verne 6
Dominican 10 (the entire team)
Temple 10 (1 short of the entire team)
U of Maine at Farmington 9 (1 short of the entire team)

:: Look. The redshirting is too damn high. ::

I suggest any of these ideas to be considered for future seasons, and announced in advance so that Presidents can adjust, in no particular order at all:
  1. Keep unlimited redshirting available. No change. Flexibility and options have always been built in to Hardwood and Broken Bat which everyone loves and keeps us addicted.
  2. More (or none at all) "carefully worded" light from the gamemaster on the statement "Additionally, teams with a history of red shirting highly rated players will also experience diminished recruiting prowess. This is because elite prospects want to play as soon as they arrive on campus and not wait a year to play regularly." from the Game Rules. (Look at the Freshman in current Legends or ANY conference that you want, and hardly any of them are playing.)
  3. Even more diminished recruiting prowess from above than is currently in the game. All uncommitted recruits should want to be a starter for four straight years in Hardwood when you think about it. We are told playing time is important in the Game Rules regarding committments, but Presidents (even over the 30 years) are clearly breaking this recruiting promise according to the redshirting numbers.
  4. Much less SI player development gains for players who are not receiving playing time and minutes. Make a redshirting year less effective so that there may be strategy at looking at the SI gains at the end of the season.
  5. New prospects could be spawned with their much more SI than before, and closer to their POT than the previous 30 years of spawns.
  6. No one will like this one, but I'm calling for more injuries! More one game (+1) and two game injuries (personal matters, family leaves and emergencies, stomach bugs, colds, the flu, the players are teenagers unlike in Broken Bat or professional sports, suspensions, who knows) so that all schools actually need a depth chart and actually need a bench. There are not enough injuries and nagging injuries in Hardwood.
  8. I ask the gamemaster and the Presidents to review the link...Redshirting in college basketball is "RARE", as stated in the article above. It is used in real life for purposes that don't exist (yet) in Hardwood. There is Florida Gulf Coast "rare" and then there is half of the Legends league schools "rare" shown in the current Legends redshirting numbers. And whatever the other 1,000 HW schools are up to with redshirting. But the meta is to redshirt everyone, shown in the numbers, and it is not realistic and not rare.
  9. So what are realistic redshirting numbers? I do not know. (Do you know?) But less than what we currently see would be the correct percentage.
  10. "The rent is too damn high." (A meme from back in the day.)
  11. Again, these can be considered by the gamemaster and community as changes for seasons in the future so that Presidents can adapt. But the numbers are unreal.
  12. Hardwood is free! We're thankful. And we want it dialed in. It's just an addicting simulation that we can't stop playing! Thanks for reading. Keep on playing for another 30 seasons!
El jefe
Joined: 07/06/2018
Posts: 683

Temple Owls

Hardwood College Basketball
I wouldn't mind seeing a redshirt cap of 3 per year and 7 over 3 years, or something like that
Joined: 03/21/2021
Posts: 193


Hardwood College Basketball
It would be one thing if some could redshirt more than others, but since everyone has that option the current system is not unfair. Sure this isn’t representative of real college basketball, but so are a lot of things in Hardwood. Therefore any change would have to have the benefit of improving gameplay and game experience, otherwise why change if the current system is fair? Does putting limits on the number of red shirts improve gameplay or game experience? If so, how? For me there needs to be a better reason than it isn’t like real life.

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